Friday, February 12, 2016

what is P E R C E P T I O N?

PERCEPTION: an approximation of reality; the ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses; a way of regarding, understanding, or interpreting something; a mental impression.

Perception is a funny thing. Take the above definitions for example - they are all meanings of the word 'perception'. If five people read all of the definitions above and choose the one that resonates with them the most, it is very likely that all five people will not choose the same definition. There may be a couple of the same, but even looking at the definition of perception, our perceptions of what makes the most sense varies. It is a beauty of life that we all have the ability to see through our own eyes and make decisions based on our perceptions.

Amit Sodha, author of Unlimited Choice and the article Perception Vs Reality (link below), poses the question - "can anything be classed as real when our perceptions differ greatly on so many things?" With this question in mind, I find reality to be a puzzling idea. There is no handbook as to what is right and wrong, good and bad, pretty and ugly, etc. Art is a perfect example of this - one person can see the beauty of a piece, while another will think it is average, and think another piece is more beautiful. That is why it is so interpretive and about each person's perception of beauty. If we all see something differently, how can there truly be a reality of what it is or is not?

One way to explain the idea of perception better, is to physically see how different two people can perceive the same image. Below are a few examples.

Where are his legs?

Two faces or an hourglass?

The face of a scarecrow or woman in a dress?

I also find it fascinating that when we look at a picture, our mind quickly forms an image. Only when we really study the picture are we also able to see the other image hidden within. This is very much like life; we all have opinions and perceptions, and only when we really let go of our own idea and put ourself in someone else's shoes are we able to understand the way they see it. It requires us to empty our own cups in order to fill it with someone else's information. If we dont first empy our own, it simply overflows and nothing new is discovered.

We will always perceive things differently than those around us, in order to understand the reasons behind our own perceptions, we must learn how to see things from other peoples perspective and let go of our preconceived ideas of the ways things are or should be.

"We see the world not as it is, but as we are." - Talmud

Link to the blog that sparked my fascination:

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