Monday, April 18, 2016

C O M P E L L I N G spaces

Have you ever analyzed the space in your home? What you like and don't like about it? Where you go to do work, to relax? Do you even like the feeling your home promotes or does it make you agitated or depressed? The spaces around us are so important to our everyday life, and we often don't even realize what they are.

I have done a lot to my house to make it a home - I have created spaces for work and spaces for play. I was analyzing my home and I realized I even have a certain couch I sit on when I am doing work and a different space on a different couch for watching movies or reading. I work really well at a certain spot at my kitchen table in the early hours of the day, however if I try and work there later in the day, my productivity level is next to none. I like to keep my bedroom as a place of solitude and rest. I have created a "yoga corner" for myself where I have a tapestry, unique lights, and my yoga mat. I would never even dream of doing work in this sacred space, as it is not the place I have dedicated for it.

I think it is important to make different spaces for ourselves. It personally keeps my mind clear and I know what I should be doing when I am in my various spaces. It is interesting to notice the places you have subconciously dedicated for certain activites - I think it is instinctual to do so. So next time you are in your home, give it a try - notice all of the places you have labeled without even realizing it. You probably already have some of these places and if you find you don't, give it a try!

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